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About Us

About Us

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Our passion for playing bridge is only surpassed by the satisfaction we get from teaching students to play bridge and watching them progress into winning players.  We take a vested interest in our students and take pride in their improvement.  Our enthusiasm for bridge spills over into all of our lessons and is certainly a large part of the success that our thousands of students have had over the nearly two decades that we have been teaching players.


It’s no surprise that we are so passionate about bridge given that we met at a local bridge tournament and have been partners since we first started dating in 2002. We even got married in a drive-through wedding in Las Vegas during a bridge tournament 20 years ago!


During that time, we won a couple of NABCs as well as a bronze medal at the World Championships.  For almost a decade we have owned and operated The Bridge Deck (located in White Plains, NY), one of the largest bridge clubs in North America.  We are also partners in the Alliance Bridge Club, the largest online bridge club over the last two years. Bridge is our way of life.

Mike and Sylwia McNamara
Las Vegas wedding
Swiss teams ACBL

Watch a trailer of ACES & KNAVES a bridge documentary that captures the highs and lows at the bridge table. It is aimed not only at card players but also at those who have never picked up a bridge hand.

Sylwia and Mike World Championship
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